Asset Foundation Logo


(Assured Support for Student Education and Talent - A Not-for Profit Organization)

Regd. under The Indian Trust Act 1882, Regn.No : 30/2016


  • new-gif We are pleased to inform you that Miss Latha, our esteemed student, has recently passed the C.A examinations with a commendable score of 63%. We are delighted to share that she has now joined the prestigious organization, Larsen & Toubro, in their Hydro Carbon office located at Kattupalli, assuming the role of Executive Finance & Accounts effective from 30th March 2023.

    We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Miss Latha on this significant accomplishment, and we wish her the very best in her future endeavors.

    With kind regards,

    PS Ramachandran,
    Treasurer/ Trustee,
    A.S.S.E.T Foundation, Ch 12.

  • new-gif Sponsoring of Students for the academic year 2022-23 has been sucessfully completed. Happy to inform that 13 students have been sponsored in this academic year.
    Nida Kounaie (B.Com)
    M.G.Shakti ( CS)
    D.Rahul (Mech)
    K.Arul Kumar (
    P.M. Praveen Kumar (Dip. CSC)
    S.Gowtham (Dip. EEE)
    K.Dhanush ( Gen)
    L.Manoj Kumar ( Gen)
    Tamil Selva ( Gen)
    A.Oviya ( Gen)
    K.Priya (B.E. Bio medics)
    K. Bharath Kumar (B.E. CS)
    R.Lithika (B.Com (A&F))
    Now the total strength of the beneficiaries has reached 99.


    Dear friends,
    Our beloved friend , Poet , Philanthropist V.Ramakrishnan has transferred Rs.70000/- through NEFT transfer to A.S.S.E.T Foundation account as his donation for the year 2019 and as a mark his 70th birthday today.

    What a great heart to donate so liberally towards the cause of education ! A.S.S.E.T Foundation record its' whole hearted gratitude to V.Ramki for his noble gesture.

    May Almighty shower all His blessings on V.Ramakrishnan alias V.Ramki & his family a Pleasant, Prosperous and Peaceful life now and for ever !!

    With kind regards,

    Er.S.M.U.Syed Ibrahim,
    Managing Trustee,
    A.S.S.E.T Foundation, Ch 34 .

  • Click here to download our 2018 Hand Book

  • Annual Plenary Sessions - 2018 held on 9th June 2018 at Pallava Hall of Cosmopolitan Club, Chennai was celebrated in grand style. click here to read more.

  • Kind Attention Donars!
    A.S.S.E.T Foundation is Registered as a Public Chritable Trust as per Order under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act 1961.
    Also A.S.S.E.T Foundation is qualified for the TAX Dedction under section 80G(5)(vi)of the Income Tax Act 1961.
    Both Orders are effective from A.Y 2018-'19'

Special News Updates

ASSET Founation Chennai-student


The 195th Birthday celebrations of P.T.Lee.Chengalwaraya Naicker, the founder of CN polytechnic college College, Vepery, Chennai-600007 were held on 10-4-23 at Golden jubilee hall situated in the college compound.

There were series of events right from the morning till evening ; The inauguration of a commercial complex in Rajaji Road, garlanding the statue of the founder in the college compound, conducting special poojas in the Temple situated within the college compound, spl medical camp conducted jointly by the Central Siddha Reasearch Institute, Tambaram and the Free Siddha Hospital run by the CNT Trust, special poojas conducted in Parthsarathyswamy Temple followed by lunch for 2000 people In the college compound.

Then the Birthday celebration meeting commenced by 2-30 PM wherein chairman of the Trust, some of the Trustees and some other dignitaries from different walks of life participated and delivered their speech.
The Chengelvaraya Naicker polytechnic College is located in a 15 acre land in Vepery and it was established in the year 1874. The founder, a real gentleman, had endowed majority of his properties to the Trust.
And P.T.Lee CN Arts college (coed) was established in the same campus in the year 2021 and P.T.Lee CN college of Engineering Technology was also established in the same year in kanchipuram.
They are also running a free Siddha dispensary, a higher secondary school and an orphanage for the destitute students in the same campus.

A.S.S.E.T Foundation has so far sponsored 25 students in P.T.Lee CN polytechnic college, 11 students in P.T.Lee CN Arts & Science college and 1 student in P.T.Lee college of Engng Technology.

The present chairman of the P.T.Lee. CN Trust is the retired Justice, Mr. PON KALAIARASAN. He was very particular about the Trustees of A.S.S.E.T Foundation to attend the function and on his insistence invitation was extended to A.S.S.E.T Foundation to participate in the proceedings.

The Secy and Treasurer were out of town. The managing Trustee and other Trustees were otherwise engaged. And as a Coordinator and Trustee, I somehow managed to attend the meeting by 4-30 PM. The moment I entered the Auditorium, both the principal of Polytechnic college and the Arts & Science college gave me a warm reception and provided a seat in the first row. And within ten minutes, they spoke few words in appreciation of the service rendered by the A.S.S.E.T Foundation. They called me on stage and the Chairman honoured me with a shawl. After a few minutes I took leave of them to discharge my other obligations.

P.T.Lee Chengelvaraya Naicker Trust is dedicated in its service in rendering education to the poor section of the society. The fees are comparatively very much less and I am given to understand that some of the poor category of students were offered their under graduation course for less than Rs.5000/- as fees per semester. The management till this day is very much dedicated to the principles of the founder.

A.S.S.E.T Foundation is very much fortunate to have sponsored the education of 37 students studying in the CN group of institutions and be a part of the activities of the said P.T.Lee CN Trust.

A.S.S.E.T Foundation always remembers the MCT friends who have been giving donations time and again to energise the activities of the Trust in fulfilling its motto “ Educate and Elevate”

We thank all the donors, friends and volunteers who keep engaging us to discharge our duties to the financially disadvantageous section of the society.

Special News Updates

ASSET Founation Chennai-student


We are pleased to inform you that our ONLY beneficiary ( out of 99) studying CA has passed the final exam with 63% in the first attempt itself. She passed her foundation course with DISTINCTION and Intermediate with almost distinction.

Though hailing from economically very weaker family with stroke affected parents and looked after by paternal grand mother, she has been an outstanding student from school days ( M.Ct.Lady Muthiah Chettiar School, Lauder's Gate).

She joined B.Com.., morning class in Ethiraj College after +2.
But, courageously discontinued it from second year and joined Madras University Correspondence Course. That was a bold move. It gave her lot of quality time to concentrate on CA Foundation Course and finish it with flying colors...She did not ever turn back.
We, A.S.S.E.T FOUNDATION are immensely proud that one of our beneficiaries ...her name is LATHA ( now revealed !) has overwhelmed us with her success story.
Well wishers and Donors like you ONLY, made this sponsorship possible. With all humility we bow our heads to thank you for the continued support.

Educate & Elevate - Our Motto

"Service to Others" often is a less understood and less accomplished subject. With demographics in favour of our country - India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35, it is expected that in 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years - the need for qualified educated citizens in our society cannot be over emphasized. However, it is an open fact that not many can afford quality higher education, owing to the less fortunate economic situation that they are in. It behoves on the other spectrum of people who are or have been fortunate enough to receive such education and achieve social status in life, to give back to the same society that they belong to.

There are many benevolent hearts that wish to ignite the lives of people who are submerged in the darkness of ignorance. Please join us - let us handhold the deprived youth to take them to meritorious status.

All human beings must strive to create wealth in the utmost ethical path by nurturing the elements around us. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether - the major five elements must be preserved so well that they in turn protect humans and other living beings . The wealth so created should be deployed to enhance the quality of life within one’s own home, organisation and society.

A.S.S.E.T Foundation truly believes that there is a philanthropist in every human being, whether rich or poor. We have seen several times the poorest of the poor share their food with another hungrier person. So the question is not if one would donate, but how would one choose the right channel to ensure that the donation reaches the really needy, and also seeds long-term benefits.

Education empowers, and elevates the quality of an individual, his home, the organisation he belongs to, and the society at large. And of all the wealth, education is the one that cannot be stolen. Donor interaction with A.S.S.E.T Foundation and help rendered to the needy students in their education process is depicted in the exhibit below:

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Bring out the philanthropist in you. Help us to educate the needy students and
elevate their quality of living in society.


We envision to help a great number of needy students in their pursuit of higher education and to become one of the top educational charitable organizations in India.


To Educate and Elevate needy students through higher education and skill development.

About Us

The successful completion of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the 1965 batch of Sir. M. Ct. M. High School,Purasawakkam, Chennai – 600084, on December 26, 2015, started another discussion in a positive way.

Majority of the 1965 batch mates on this joyous occassion desired to divert their united strength towards the common good & educational support to the society.