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Meet Our Students

Beneficiaries of 2024

For A.S.S.E.T Foundation, every student we sponsor in a year is a project initiated during that year. This is because, the course that the student is being sponsored may extend beyond the current fiscal year. Thus an Engineering Course that is to run for 4 years for A.S.S.E.T Foundation is a project that will run for 4 years. A Medical course that runs for 5 years, will for A.S.S.E.T Foundation a project that will run for 5 years

Stringent selection criteria are applied in the candidate selection for scholarship award purpose. For more information on the selection criteria please click here.

After the selection of students, an agreement is entered with the parents/guardian of the students, that A.S.S.E.T Foundation will be monitoring the progress/continued interest of the students in their respective chosen courses.


 Green - Completed Project

 Orange - In Progress Project

 Red - Discontinued Project

A.S.S.E.T Foundation will ensure that the students’ performances are checked with the counselors at the respective educational institutions, and a brief report is updated in the project folder.

All projects that are started in a particular fiscal year will be kept under that particular fiscal year folder. Each project file will be updated periodically. A colour code will be applied to the project folders thus: